Call It Courage Novel Text


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Teased and somewhat shunned for his fear of the sea, a Polynesian boy faces his fears on an adventure into the ocean and returns home, respected and accepted.
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Product Overview

Call It Courage: A Coming-of-Age Story And Quest To Conquer Fear  

Call It Courage is a good book for showing students that stepping out of their comfort zones to confront their fears rather than being limited by them can bring great rewards--personal growth, self-confidence, and even admiration.

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About the Book   Call It Courage


Call It Courage tells the story of Mafatu, a young Polynesian boy who lives on the island of Hikueru. Despite being the son of the chief, Mafatu is riddled with fear of the sea, stemming from a traumatic experience during his childhood when his mother was lost in a storm. This fear earns him the nickname "The Boy Who Was Afraid," and makes him feel isolated and ashamed.

Determined to overcome his fear and prove his courage, Mafatu sets out alone in a canoe. His journey takes him across the ocean to an uninhabited island where he faces numerous challenges, including wild animals and the need to find food and shelter. With only his dog, Uri, and an albatross as companions, Mafatu's survival skills are put to the test.

Throughout his adventure, Mafatu learns to conquer his fears, relying on his resourcefulness and bravery. He crafts tools, builds shelter, and even confronts a shark and a wild boar. By the time he returns to his island, Mafatu has transformed from a frightened boy into a confident and courageous individual.


Themes in the book Call It Courage


Courage and Fear: Mafatu's journey is a good example of the human struggle to confront and overcome personal fears. This theme encourages students to reflect on their own fears and consider how they might face and conquer them.

Self-Discovery and Growth: Mafatu's adventure is also a journey of self-discovery. As he faces various challenges, he uncovers strengths and abilities he never knew he had. This theme highlights the importance of stepping out of one's comfort zone to achieve personal growth.

Survival and Resourcefulness: The book emphasizes survival skills and resourcefulness. Mafatu's ability to adapt and solve problems using limited resources teaches valuable lessons about resilience and innovation, which are crucial in both academic and real-world settings.

Cultural Heritage and Identity: Set in the Polynesian islands, the novel provides a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the region. Mafatu's connection to his culture and his desire to honor his heritage by overcoming his fears can spark discussions about the importance of cultural identity and respect for traditions.


Activity Ideas    for the book Call It Courage


Historical and Cultural Context: Begin by discussing Polynesian culture and geography. Show maps, images, and artifacts to give students a visual understanding of Mafatu's world.

Fear and Courage Discussions: Have students share their own fears and discuss what courage means to them. This can create a personal connection to the story before they even start reading.

Character Analysis: Encourage students to analyze Mafatu's character development. Discuss how he changes throughout the story and what causes those changes.

Field Trips: If possible, arrange a field trip to a local museum or cultural center that features exhibits on Polynesian history and culture.



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