Dracula Novel Text

Prestwick House

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In this classic, Gothic vampire tale--a story of Good vs. Evil--Harker, Mina, Seward, Van Helsing, and Holmwood discover Dracula's plan and vow to destroy him.
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Product Overview

Dracula: THE Classic Vampire Story

Dracula's gothic allure, complex characters, and thematic depth make it a perfect choice for classroom discussions. 

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Notes About The Literary Touchstone Classics Edition of Dracula

We think the Literary Touchstone Classic edition of Dracula is the best for classroom use.  These affordable editions of beloved works are designed by former educators with the needs of both teachers and students in mind. 

To help students fully understand the classic work they're studying, every Literary Touchstone Classic includes pre-reading notes that cite important aspects of the text that students should examine and question while reading. Each book also contains an extensive vocabulary list and a glossary that explains unfamiliar allusions and challenging passages.

If you're looking for books that will last for years, Literary Touchstone Classics fit the bill. Sturdy bindings and high-quality paper ensure they'll hold up to repeated use, and they're made in the U.S.A.

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About the Book Dracula


The story of Dracula begins with Jonathan Harker, a solicitor traveling to Transylvania to assist Count Dracula with a real estate transaction in England. Harker soon realizes that he is a prisoner in Dracula's castle and encounters strange and terrifying phenomena, including the Count's supernatural abilities and his vampire brides.

Dracula eventually travels to England, bringing with him a ship named Demeter, which arrives in Whitby with all its crew dead. Shortly after his arrival, Lucy Westenra, a young woman engaged to Arthur Holmwood, falls mysteriously ill. Despite the efforts of Dr. John Seward and his former mentor, Professor Abraham Van Helsing, Lucy succumbs to Dracula's influence and becomes a vampire.

The core of the novel revolves around a group of protagonists—Harker, Mina (Harker's wife), Seward, Van Helsing, and Holmwood—as they uncover Dracula's plan and vow to destroy him. They track Dracula's movements, face numerous dangers, and use their combined knowledge and resources to combat the vampire threat.

The climax of the novel sees the group pursuing Dracula back to Transylvania. After a fierce battle, they finally destroy him, but not without facing significant personal losses and witnessing the full extent of Dracula's malevolence.



Themes in the book Dracula


The Conflict Between Modernity and Tradition: Dracula explores the tension between the old world and the new, reflecting on the rapid changes occurring in Victorian society. The use of modern technology and scientific methods by the protagonists contrasts sharply with the ancient, supernatural powers of Dracula.

Fear of the Unknown: The novel taps into the deep-seated human fear of the unknown. Dracula represents the ultimate other—an entity that defies natural laws and embodies the mysteries of death and immortality. This theme resonates with readers, encouraging them to confront their own fears and prejudices.

The Role of Women: Dracula offers a complex portrayal of women, reflecting Victorian attitudes towards gender roles. Characters like Mina Harker and Lucy Westenra highlight the expectations placed on women and the potential for both empowerment and victimization.

The Power of Faith and Religion: Religious symbols and practices are central to the fight against Dracula. The use of crosses, holy water, and other religious artifacts underscores the power of faith and the spiritual dimension of the battle between good and evil.


Activity Ideas for the book Dracula



Character Analysis: Encourage students to analyze the characters in-depth, focusing on their motivations, development, and relationships. Discussions can explore how each character contributes to the overarching themes and plot progression.

Thematic Essays: Assign essays that prompt students to explore the major themes of the novel. Topics might include the conflict between modernity and tradition, the portrayal of women, or the role of fear in shaping human behavior.

Creative Projects: Engage students with creative projects such as writing diary entries from the perspective of different characters, creating artwork inspired by the novel, or even producing short films based on key scenes.

Historical Context: Help students understand the historical context of Dracula by exploring the Victorian era's social, scientific, and cultural landscape. This can include discussions on contemporary attitudes towards science, technology, and the supernatural.

Literary Techniques: Examine Stoker's use of literary techniques, such as epistolary format, foreshadowing, and symbolism. Analyzing these elements can enhance students' appreciation of the novel's craftsmanship and deepen their understanding of its impact.



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