Farewell to Manzanar Novel Text

Clarion Books

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Farewell to Manzanar is the memoir of Jeanne Houston, whose family was imprisoned at a Japanese internment camp in California during WWII.
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Farewell To Manzanar: A Memoir About The WWII Japanese Internment Camps In CA   

Who would have ever thought American citizens would be put into camps? But it happened. Unthinkable things happen, and this lesson in history is well worth the time spent learning the profound effect this action had.

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About the Book   Farewell to Manzanar


Farewell to Manzanar is a memoir that recounts the experiences of Jeanne Wakatsuki and her family during and after their internment at the Manzanar War Relocation Center in California. The story begins with the bombing of Pearl Harbor, which leads to widespread fear and distrust of Japanese Americans. Jeanne's father, Ko Wakatsuki, is arrested by the FBI, and the family is eventually forced to leave their home and move to the relocation camp.

At Manzanar, the Wakatsuki family faces numerous challenges, including poor living conditions, lack of privacy, and the loss of personal freedoms. Despite these hardships, Jeanne and her family strive to maintain their dignity and sense of identity. The memoir also explores the long-lasting impact of the internment on Jeanne's life, as she grapples with feelings of shame and alienation even after the camp is closed.


Themes in the book Farewell to Manzanar


Identity and Displacement: One of the central themes in Farewell to Manzanar is the struggle for identity in the face of displacement. Jeanne's experience at the internment camp forces her to confront her Japanese heritage and what it means to be an American. The memoir highlights the tension between maintaining cultural traditions and assimilating into mainstream society.

Resilience and Perseverance: The Wakatsuki family's resilience in the face of adversity is a powerful theme throughout the memoir. Despite the harsh conditions and discrimination they face, the family members find ways to support each other and maintain their humanity. This theme can inspire students to reflect on their own capacity for perseverance in challenging situations.

Injustice and Civil Rights: Farewell to Manzanar sheds light on the injustice of Japanese American internment and its violation of civil rights. The memoir serves as a poignant reminder of the consequences of prejudice and fear, prompting important discussions about historical and contemporary issues of justice and equality.


Activity Ideas for the book Farewell to Manzanar



Historical Context: Begin by providing students with historical background on Japanese American internment during World War II. Discuss the events leading up to the internment, including the attack on Pearl Harbor and Executive Order 9066. Use primary source documents, photographs, and videos to help students understand the historical context of the memoir.

Character Analysis: Encourage students to analyze the characters in Farewell to Manzanar, focusing on their development and relationships. Have students create character maps or write essays exploring the motivations, struggles, and growth of key characters like Jeanne, Ko, and Jeanne's mother, Riku.

Thematic Discussions: Facilitate class discussions on the major themes of the memoir. Ask open-ended questions to encourage critical thinking and personal connections. For example, "How does Jeanne's experience at Manzanar shape her understanding of her identity?" or "What lessons can we learn from the Wakatsuki family's resilience?"

Comparative Analysis: Have students compare Farewell to Manzanar with other works of literature or historical accounts that address themes of displacement, identity, and resilience. This can include comparing the memoir to other internment narratives, such as When the Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka, or examining similar themes in works like The Diary of Anne Frank.




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About the Book