Hatchet Novel Text

Simon & Schuster

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Thirteen-year-old Brian Robeson survives a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness and must rely on his wits and a hatchet to endure the harsh conditions.
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Product Overview

Hatchet: Survival In The Canadian Wilderness  

Brian's dramatic survival adventure holds students' attention and provides enough depth to incorporate learning about elements of fiction, survival skills, and the importance of clear and logical thinking.

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About the Book   Hatchet


Brian Robeson, a thirteen-year-old boy from New York City, finds himself stranded in the Canadian wilderness after a plane crash. With nothing but a hatchet, a gift from his mother, he must learn to survive in total isolation.

Throughout the novel, Brian faces the treacherous realities of nature—from harsh weather to wildlife encounters. He deals with the initial despair of his situation, but as time passes, he becomes more adept at surviving. Through trial and error, Brian learns to fish, hunt, and forage, ultimately reshaping his understanding of the world and himself.

Gary Paulsen presents Brian's ordeal in vivid detail, immersing readers in the psychological and physical challenges of wilderness survival. Hatchet is not only a tale of survival but also a coming-of-age story as Brian emerges from this experience deeply changed.

Hatchet is a Newbery Honor book.

Themes in the book Hatchet


Survival and Self-Reliance: Hatchet is about surviving against the odds. It provides a quintessential example of human resilience and ingenuity.

Isolation and Personal Growth: Brian’s solitude forces him to look inward, leading to significant personal growth and maturity.

Man vs. Nature: The novel is an exploration of the often antagonistic, sometimes harmonious relationship between humans and the environment.

Perseverance: Hatchet offers valuable insights into the human condition and the power of perseverance. Despite facing seemingly insurmountable challenges, Brian never gives up. His determination to survive serves as an inspiration for readers to overcome their own obstacles.

Adaptability: The novel also highlights the importance of adaptability in difficult circumstances. By learning new skills and adapting to his environment, Brian is able to survive.


Activity Ideas    for the book Hatchet


Journaling from Brian's Perspective: Have students write daily journal entries as if they are Brian, documenting their survival strategies, fears, and hopes. This exercise fosters empathy and creative thinking.

Survival Manual Creation: Students can create their own survival manuals based on Brian's experiences. They can research additional survival techniques to supplement their work, integrating science and practical knowledge.

Character Growth Timeline: Ask students to create a timeline tracking Brian's character development throughout the book. This activity highlights the dynamic progression of individuals in response to adversity.

Thematic Debates: Organize debates on the themes presented in Hatchet. Topics could include human impact on the environment or the importance of self-reliance in the modern world.



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About the Book