My Side Of The Mountain Novel Text

Puffin Books

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Sam Gribley chooses to live in the Catskill Mountains, where he learns to survive on his own and discovers the beauty and challenges of wilderness living.
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My Side Of The Mountain: Living In Nature   

Sam's venture into living in nature is a powerful exploration of independence, nature, and survival.  

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About the Book My Side of the Mountain


Sam Gribley is a young boy who decides to leave his crowded New York City home to live in the Catskill Mountains. Armed with minimal supplies and a deep yearning for freedom, Sam carves out a life in the wilderness. He learns to fish, hunt, and forage, using the knowledge he's gleaned from books and his own ingenuity.

Sam's new life is full of challenges and discoveries. He builds a home inside a hollow tree, befriends a peregrine falcon he names Frightful, and encounters various wildlife that become his companions. Throughout his year-long adventure, Sam develops a deep understanding of nature and learns valuable life lessons about self-reliance and survival.

The book's narrative is interspersed with entries from Sam's journal, providing readers with a firsthand account of his thoughts and experiences. From the initial thrill of independence to the inevitable moments of loneliness, My Side of the Mountain is an exploration of a young boy's quest for autonomy and connection with nature.


Themes in the book My Side of the Mountain


Independence and Self-Reliance: One of the central themes in My Side of the Mountain is the idea of independence. Sam's decision to leave home and fend for himself in the wild is a bold assertion of his desire for self-reliance. The story portrays his growth from a naive boy into a resourceful and capable young man. This theme resonates with students who are on their own journeys toward independence.

Connection with Nature: Another significant theme is the profound connection between humans and nature. Sam's experiences highlight the beauty and complexity of the natural world. Through his interactions with plants, animals, and the environment, Sam gains a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living things. This theme encourages students to reflect on their own relationship with nature and the importance of environmental stewardship.

Survival and Adaptability: My Side of the Mountain also explores the theme of survival. Sam's ability to adapt to his surroundings and overcome various challenges showcases his resilience and ingenuity. This theme can inspire students to think critically about problem-solving and the skills needed to thrive in difficult situations.

Solitude and Companionship: While Sam initially embraces solitude, he eventually realizes the importance of companionship. His relationships with Frightful, the falcon, and other woodland creatures provide him with emotional support and a sense of belonging. This theme underscores the value of social connections and the balance between independence and community.


Activity Ideas for the book My Side of the Mountain


Nature Journaling: Encourage your students to create their own nature journals, similar to Sam's in the book. Have them document their observations of local flora and fauna, sketch their surroundings, and write reflections on their experiences. This activity not only enhances their writing skills but also fosters a deeper appreciation for nature.

Survival Skills Workshop: Organize a workshop where students can learn basic survival skills, such as building a shelter, starting a fire, or identifying edible plants. You can invite a local expert or use instructional videos to guide the activities. This hands-on experience will help students understand the practical aspects of Sam's adventure and develop their problem-solving abilities.

Creative Writing Prompts: Provide students with creative writing prompts inspired by the book. For example, they could imagine their own wilderness adventures. Encouraging imaginative writing helps students connect with the story on a personal level and develop their creative expression.

Environmental Stewardship Projects: Incorporate environmental education into your curriculum by organizing stewardship projects. Students can participate in local conservation efforts, such as tree planting, clean-up drives, or wildlife habitat restoration. These activities reinforce the book's theme of environmental responsibility and empower students to make a positive impact in their communities.

Map Making: Challenge students to create a detailed map of Sam's surroundings in the Catskill Mountains. They can include landmarks, natural features, and important locations from the book. This activity enhances their spatial awareness and helps them visualize the setting of the story.



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