Product Overview
Reinforce Student Understanding With The Novel Unit® Student Pack For Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw!
Novel Unit® Student Packs give you hands-on activities and worksheets that reinforce students' understanding of the content, vocabulary, and analysis of the work. A Novel Unit® Teacher Guide is also available for this title. The content in each Student Packet and Teacher Guide is 100% unique. No content overlaps in the matching guides.
Novel Unit Student Packets Include:
• prereading activities
• vocabulary activities
• study questions
• graphic organizers
• literary analysis
• character analysis
• writing projects
• critical- and creative-thinking challenges
• comprehension quizzes
• unit tests
• answer key
• scoring rubric
Copyright Information
All publications are copyrighted materials, with permission granted to print student materials as needed for one teacher's classroom use. Documents may not be reproduced or distributed in any other way without written permission from Novel Units, Inc. Posting this document to the Internet where it can come up in search results violates copyright laws and makes answer keys available to students, undermining the work of other teachers who are using the unit. Do not post this document on the Internet. Do not use the questions/answers on Quizlet, Boom Learning, or any other commercial site. We do take the time to look for and prosecute copyright violations to protect our business and our customers. Thank you for your help by respecting our copyrights and by reporting violations.