Summer Of My German Soldier Novel Text

Puffin Books

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Patty Bergen, a young Jewish girl in small-town Arkansas during World War II, befriends and shelters Anton, a German POW. Through this unlikely friendship, Patty discovers her inner strength and challenges the prejudices of her community.
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Summer Of My German Soldier: Acting Without Prejudice  

Patty doesn't see a German soldier; she sees a young man in need of help. Bette Greene's story of friendship and courage is a window to the effects of war on the home front as well as a wonderful coming of age story.   

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About the Book Summer of My German Soldier


Summer of My German Soldier is set in Jenkinsville, Arkansas, during World War II. The story revolves around a young Jewish girl named Patty Bergen and her unexpected friendship with a German POW named Anton Reiker. This unlikely bond forms the heart of the narrative, providing a captivating backdrop for discussing complex historical and personal themes.

Patty Bergen is a twelve-year-old girl struggling with her identity and family relationships. Intelligent and insightful, she feels alienated from her community and misunderstood by her family, particularly her father and emotionally distant mother. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she meets Anton Reiker, a German POW who escapes from a nearby camp and seeks refuge in her family's garage.

Despite the cultural and wartime prejudices that should keep them apart, Patty and Anton form a deep, trusting friendship. Anton's kindness and respect offer Patty the emotional connection she desperately needs, and in turn, she provides him with shelter and support. Their relationship challenges the societal norms of the time and sets the stage for significant personal growth but tragic consequences.



Themes in the book Summer of My German Soldier


Prejudice and Tolerance: One of the central themes of the book is the destructive nature of prejudice and the importance of tolerance. Through Patty and Anton's friendship, Greene highlights how prejudices are often based on ignorance and fear. This theme is particularly relevant for classroom discussions, as it encourages students to reflect on their own biases and the impact of intolerance in their communities.

Identity and Self-Discovery: Patty's struggle with her identity is another prominent theme. Throughout the novel, she grapples with her Jewish heritage, her dysfunctional family dynamics, and her desire for acceptance. Her relationship with Anton helps her discover her inner strength and sense of self-worth. This theme provides a rich basis for exploring concepts of identity, self-esteem, and personal growth with students.

Courage and Sacrifice: The novel also explores the themes of courage and sacrifice. Patty's decision to help Anton, despite the risks, demonstrates her bravery and moral integrity. Anton's sacrifice at the end of the story further underscores the cost of standing up for one's beliefs. These themes can inspire meaningful discussions about the nature of courage, the complexities of sacrifice, and the moral dilemmas individuals face during times of conflict.

War and Its Impact on Individuals: The backdrop of World War II and its effects on everyday people is a prevalent theme in the novel. Through Anton's experiences as a German soldier and Patty's observations of the war, Greene highlights the devastating consequences of war on individuals' lives. This theme allows for discussions about the human toll of war and how it shapes individual perspectives.

Love and Friendship: Finally, love and friendship play an essential role in Patty and Anton's relationship. Their connection defies societal norms at the time, as they come from different backgrounds and age groups. However, their bond transcends these barriers, and they find solace, understanding, and support in each other. This theme invites discussions about the power of love and friendship to overcome obstacles and prejudice.


Activity Ideas for the book Summer of My German Soldier


Character Analysis: Start by having students create character profiles for Patty and Anton. Encourage them to use quotes from the book to support their descriptions. Discuss how each character changes throughout the story and what these changes reveal about their personalities and motivations.

Historical Context: Provide students with background information on World War II, focusing on the treatment of German POWs in America. Have them research and present findings on how the war influenced American society and attitudes towards enemy soldiers. This activity helps students understand the historical context of the novel and its impact on the characters' lives.

Exploring Themes through Writing: Ask students to write essays that explore the major themes of the novel. For example, they could write about how prejudice affects the characters' actions and relationships, or how Patty's identity evolves throughout the story. Encourage them to draw connections between the themes in the book and contemporary issues in their own lives.

Class Discussions: Facilitate class discussions around key events and themes in the novel. Use open-ended questions to encourage critical thinking and personal reflection. For instance, ask students how they would have acted in Patty's situation, or what they think about the decisions made by the characters.

Comparative Literature: Introduce students to other literature that deals with similar themes, such as "The Diary of Anne Frank." Compare and contrast these works with "Summer of My German Soldier" to highlight different perspectives on prejudice, identity, and moral courage.



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