That Was Then This Is Now Novel Text


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Bryon and Mark's close friendship deteriorates as they grow apart and face different moral dilemmas in a turbulent social environment.
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That Was Then, This Is Now:  Making Tough Choices     

This book can be a springboard for discussing the choices we make in life--choices that may be different even from our best friends' choices...and how to deal with that.  

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About the Book That Was Then This Is Now


That Was Then, This Is Now centers around the evolving friendship between Bryon Douglas and Mark Jennings. These two teenagers, practically brothers, face life in a rough neighborhood. Bryon, the narrator, shares his introspective thoughts and experiences as they navigate their world.

The story kicks off with Bryon and Mark getting involved in a fight at a local bar, showcasing the violence and challenges of their environment. This incident sets the stage for the changes that will test their bond.

A significant moment in the story is when Bryon's mother falls ill. To pay for her hospital bills, Bryon takes a job at a local supermarket, marking his first step into adulthood. This responsibility begins to shift his perspective on life and his relationship with Mark.

The story's climax arrives when Bryon discovers that Mark is dealing drugs. Torn between loyalty to his friend and doing what he believes is right, Bryon makes a decision that will alter their lives forever.

In the end, Bryon's choice leads to Mark's arrest, causing a rift between them that seems irreparable. The novel closes on a somber note, with Bryon reflecting on the changes they've undergone and the consequences of their actions.


Themes in the book That Was Then This Is Now


Coming of Age: One of the central themes in That Was Then, This Is Now is the complexity of adolescence. Bryon's transition from a carefree teenager to a responsible young adult is fraught with difficult choices and moral dilemmas. This theme resonates deeply with students who are themselves navigating the path to adulthood.

The Power of Friendship: Friendship and its evolving nature is another critical theme. Bryon and Mark's relationship symbolizes the profound connections we form during our youth and how those bonds can be tested by growth and change. The novel encourages students to reflect on their friendships and the impact they have on their lives.

The Consequences of Actions: The novel also explores the consequences of our actions and the ripple effect they can have on our lives and those around us. Bryon's decision to turn Mark in has far-reaching implications that he couldn't foresee, emphasizing the importance of making responsible choices. This theme encourages students to think critically about the consequences of their actions and the importance of considering others in their decision-making process.

Moral Ambiguity: The book also tackles the theme of moral ambiguity. Bryon's struggle with right and wrong, especially in relation to Mark's illegal activities, highlights the complexity of ethical decisions. This theme serves as a valuable discussion point for classrooms, prompting students to consider the gray areas in their own lives.


Activity Ideas for the book That Was Then This Is Now


Journaling: Have students keep a journal with their reactions to the reading assignments as you read this book. This activity will encourage self-reflection and critical thinking as students analyze how these themes relate to their own lives.

Creative Writing: Have students write alternative endings or epilogues to the novel, exploring different paths that the characters could have taken and how it would impact the overall story.

Guest Speaker: Invite a guest speaker to talk about how to get a job, the value of having a part-time job, and (legal) ways to make money and gain work experience.

Class Discussion/Literature Circle: Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific theme or character from the novel to discuss. This will allow for more in-depth analysis and exploration of different perspectives on the themes.



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About the Book