The Giver Novel Text

Clarion Books

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As Jonas receives memories from The Giver, he begins to realize what his fellow citizens have lost in order to have a peaceful, "perfect" existence.
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Product Overview

The Giver: The Price Of The Illusion Of Utopia 

A younger reader's story in the footsteps of 1984 or Brave New World, The Giver poses similar questions about individualism, control by The State, and what it means to be "human."

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About the Book   The Giver


The Giver takes place in a seemingly perfect community where pain, suffering, and choices have been eradicated. The protagonist, Jonas, is selected to be the Receiver of Memories, a role that grants him access to the community's past memories.

Under the guidance of the previous Receiver—now known as The Giver—Jonas learns the truth about his society. He discovers the deep, often dark emotions and experiences that have been suppressed for the sake of maintaining order and sameness. This revelation leads him to challenge the very foundation of his community's beliefs.

The Giver is a Newbery Award winner.

Themes in the book The Giver


The Importance of Memory: Memory plays a crucial role in The Giver. It illustrates how memories shape individual identity and collective consciousness. The suppression of memories in Jonas's community results in a loss of humanity, as people cannot learn from past experiences.

The Role of Choice: The novel explores the role of choice in human life. In Jonas’s community, choices are made for individuals to ensure a stable, conflict-free existence. However, this lack of autonomy raises questions about the true meaning of freedom and happiness.

The Illusion of Utopia: The Giver presents a seemingly perfect world, only to reveal the underlying sacrifices that come with such a reality. This theme encourages students to think critically about the costs and benefits of a controlled society.

The Pain and Pleasure of Human Experience: Through the memories shared by The Giver, Jonas experiences both immense joy and profound pain. This juxtaposition highlights the complexity of human emotions and the importance of experiencing both to live a full life.


Activity Ideas   for the book The Giver



Discussion Prompts: Encourage students to discuss the ethical implications of a society without choice. Questions like “Would you prefer to live in Jonas’s community? Why or why not?” can spark deep conversations.

Role-Playing Activities: Organize a role-playing activity where students debate the pros and cons of Jonas’s society versus our own. Assign roles such as Community Elders, The Giver, Jonas, and ordinary citizens to make the exercise more dynamic.

Projects on Memory: Create a project where students research the science of memory and share their findings. How do memories form? Why are they important? This can tie into the book’s theme and provide a multidisciplinary approach to learning.

Exploring Symbolism: Discuss the symbolism of color in the book. Why is Jonas overwhelmed when he first sees the color red? What does this signify about his awakening to the complexities of his world?



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