Touching Spirit Bear Novel Text

Harper Collins

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Cole Matthews is sent to a remote Alaskan island as part of a Native American Circle Justice program, where he confronts the consequences of his anger and learns about healing and redemption.
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Touching Spirit Bear: Native American Healing And Redemption      

An engaging book steeped in Native American culture that shows forgiveness, healing, and redemption come from within.

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About the Book  Touching Spirit Bear


Touching Spirit Bear tells the story of Cole Matthews, a troubled 15-year-old boy who is given a chance at redemption. After brutally assaulting a classmate named Peter Driscal, Cole finds himself facing severe consequences. Instead of going to jail, Cole is offered an alternative--participating in the Native American Circle Justice program. This decision sets the stage for a life-altering experience on a remote Alaskan island.

Cole's time on the island is anything but easy. Struggling with anger and resentment, he initially tries to escape but soon realizes the futility of his efforts. His turning point comes when he encounters the mystical Spirit Bear, a rare white bear that symbolizes purity and strength. The bear's attack leaves Cole gravely injured and forces him to confront his inner demons.

With the help of Garvey, a parole officer, and Edwin, a Tlingit elder, Cole begins his long and painful journey towards healing. Through various traditional practices and self-reflection, he starts to understand the impact of his actions and learns to forgive himself and others. His newfound wisdom is put to the test when Peter, still traumatized by the assault, joins him on the island. Together, they must find a way to heal and move forward.


Themes in the book Touching Spirit Bear


Redemption and Forgiveness: One of the central themes in Touching Spirit Bear is the power of redemption and forgiveness. Cole's transformation from a violent, angry teenager to a remorseful and reflective young man is a testament to the idea that everyone deserves a second chance. The novel emphasizes that true forgiveness begins with oneself and extends to others, as seen in Cole's eventual reconciliation with Peter.

The Healing Power of Nature: Nature plays a crucial role in Cole's healing process. The isolation of the Alaskan island forces him to confront his inner turmoil and find solace in the natural world. The Spirit Bear, in particular, serves as a powerful symbol of the interconnectedness of all living things and the potential for personal growth through communion with nature.

Personal Responsibility and Accountability: Throughout the novel, Cole grapples with the concept of personal responsibility. His initial refusal to take accountability for his actions is a significant barrier to his growth. However, as he begins to accept responsibility for his actions and their consequences, he discovers the importance of accountability in the process of healing and redemption.

The Cycle of Violence: Another important theme in Touching Spirit Bear is the destructive nature of violence and its cyclical effects. The novel explores how trauma and abuse can perpetuate a cycle of violence, but also offers hope through the possibility of breaking that cycle through forgiveness and reconciliation.

Cultural Connections and Respect for Indigenous Communities: Through Cole's interactions with Tlingit culture, the novel highlights the importance of respecting indigenous communities and their traditions. Mikaelsen sensitively portrays the complexities of cultural identity and emphasizes the value of traditional healing practices in addressing personal struggles.


Activity Ideas  for the book Touching Spirit Bear


Character Analysis: Encourage students to analyze the development of Cole's character throughout the novel. Have them create character maps that track his emotional and psychological growth, noting key events that contribute to his transformation. This activity will help students understand the complexity of Cole's character and the factors that influence his behavior.

Theme Exploration: Divide students into small groups and assign each group a specific theme from the novel, such as redemption, forgiveness, or the healing power of nature. Ask them to find and present examples from the text that illustrate their assigned theme. This activity will foster critical thinking and encourage students to engage deeply with the novel's themes.

Discussion Circles: Facilitate a classroom discussion circle where students can share their thoughts and insights about the novel. Use open-ended questions to guide the discussion, such as "What do you think was the turning point for Cole's transformation?" or "How does the setting of the Alaskan island contribute to the novel's themes?" This activity will promote active listening and respectful dialogue among students.

Role-Playing: Organize a role-playing activity where students reenact pivotal scenes from the novel. Assign roles to students and encourage them to embody the characters' emotions and motivations. This hands-on activity will help students gain a deeper understanding of the characters' experiences and the novel's themes.

Research Projects: Assign research projects that explore the cultural and historical context of the novel. Students can investigate the Native American Circle Justice program, the Tlingit culture, or the significance of the Spirit Bear in Indigenous mythology. Presenting their findings to the class will enhance their knowledge and appreciation of the novel's cultural background.



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