What Was The Holocaust?

Penguin Workshop

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What Was The Holocaust?
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Format: Paperback

A thoughtful introduction to an unimaginable event—the Holocaust.

The Holocaust was a genocide on a scale never before seen, with as many as twelve million people killed in Nazi death camps—six million of them Jews. Gail Herman traces the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, whose rabid anti-Semitism led first to humiliating anti-Jewish laws, then to ghettos all over Eastern Europe, and ultimately to the Final Solution. She presents just enough information for an elementary-school audience in a readable, well-researched book that covers one of the most horrible times in history.

Even though this book is written for elementary level students, it is a wonderful, easy-to-read summary of important information about the Holocaust that older students can read independently, easily understand, and quickly retain as background information to apply when reading other books about the Holocaust and/or World War II.

This entry in the New York Times best-selling series contains eighty carefully chosen illustrations and sixteen pages of black and white photographs suitable for young readers.

A student workbook study guide is available for this book here.


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