Where the Red Fern Grows Novel Text


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Billy dreams of owning two hunting dogs, and through hard work and determination, he gets, raises, and trains them for coon hunting in the Ozark Mountains.
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Product Overview

Where The Red Fern Grows: A Story Kids Remember Their Whole Lives    

Besides being an engaging story that most students love, this book leads to discussions about family, pets, hunting, personal relationships, loss and grief, and courage. 

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About the Book Where the Red Fern Grows


In Where the Red Fern Grows, we follow the heartwarming story of a young boy named Billy Colman. Set in the Ozark Mountains during the Great Depression, the narrative begins with Billy's yearning for two coonhound puppies. Driven by determination and grit, Billy works tirelessly for two years, saving every penny he earns to buy his dream dogs. His persistence pays off when he finally brings home Old Dan and Little Ann, marking the start of an unforgettable adventure.

Billy's bond with Old Dan and Little Ann grows stronger as they train to become an exceptional hunting team. The trio faces numerous challenges, from navigating treacherous terrain to encountering dangerous wildlife. Each trial they overcome strengthens their loyalty and friendship.

The story reaches its climax during a hunting competition where Billy, Old Dan, and Little Ann showcase their remarkable skills. They emerge victorious, but their triumph is short-lived. Tragedy strikes when Old Dan and Little Ann are gravely injured while defending Billy from a mountain lion. Despite Billy's efforts to save them, the dogs succumb to their injuries, leaving him heartbroken. The discovery of a red fern growing between their graves serves as a symbol of eternal love and peace, bringing a sense of closure to the story.

Themes in the book Where the Red Fern Grows


Perseverance and Determination: One of the most prominent themes in Where the Red Fern Grows is perseverance. Billy’s unwavering determination to achieve his dream of owning hunting dogs teaches students the value of hard work and persistence. This theme can inspire discussions about setting goals, overcoming obstacles, and the rewards of dedication.

The Power of Friendship and Loyalty: The bond between Billy and his dogs exemplifies true friendship and loyalty. Their mutual trust and devotion highlight the importance of forming meaningful connections. This theme can be explored through activities that encourage students to reflect on their relationships and the qualities that make friendships strong.

Coping with Loss and Grief: The emotional depth of Where the Red Fern Grows is evident in its exploration of loss and grief. Billy's experience with the death of Old Dan and Little Ann provides a sensitive portrayal of coping with sorrow. This theme can lead to discussions about dealing with loss, the healing process, and the significance of supportive relationships during difficult times.

The Legacy of Family Traditions: Billy’s relationship with his grandfather reflects the significance of family traditions and passed-down values. Through his interactions with Grandpa, Billy learns valuable lessons about life, determination, and respect for nature. This theme invites discussions about the importance of family, the passing down of traditions and values, and the impact it has on individuals.

Courage and Bravery: Billy’s journey to achieve his dream requires courage and bravery as he faces challenges such as hunting in dangerous terrain. His determination to continue despite adversity serves as an inspiring example of bravery. This theme can be explored through activities that encourage students to reflect on times they have shown courage in their own lives and the importance of facing fears.


Activity Ideas for the book Where the Red Fern Grows


Creative Writing Prompts: Creative writing prompts inspired by the book can engage students' imaginations and enhance their writing skills. Have students write a eulogy for the dogs or a poem or ballad lyrics about the story. Students could write an alternate ending to the story.

Discussion Questions and Group Activities: Facilitate meaningful discussions by posing thought-provoking questions about the book's themes and events. Encourage students to share their interpretations and insights. Group activities, such as creating a storyboard of key scenes or reenacting pivotal moments, can foster collaboration and active participation.

Research Projects: Integrate research into your lessons by assigning students topics related to the book. For example, they could learn more about raccoons, study coonhound breeds or other dogs, research dog care, read more about life in the Ozark Mountains, or find out more about saving money or achieving goals.

Narrative Writing: Students could write narratives about some adventure they have had with their pets or create a narrative about an adventure they would like to have.

Guest Speaker: Invite a guest speaker to come talk to your class about wildlife management, pet care, or hunter safety.



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