Wonder Novel Text

Knopf Books For Young Readers

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A heartwarming tale of August Pullman, a boy with facial differences, who enters fifth grade, attending a mainstream school for the first time.
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Wonder: Choose Kindness    

Spark conversations about empathy, kindness, and acceptance using Wonder as a springboard. It is an engaging story with social and literary merit and a New York Times #1 Bestseller.

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About the Book  Wonder by R. J. Palacio


August "Auggie" Pullman is a ten-year-old boy who was born with a facial difference that has prevented him from attending mainstream school—until now. When Auggie starts fifth grade at Beecher Prep, he faces the enormous challenge of trying to fit in and be accepted by his peers. Despite his initial fears, Auggie's courage and resilience shine through as he navigates the ups and downs of school life.

As Auggie enters Beecher Prep, he meets several key characters who play significant roles in his story. Jack Will, Summer, and Julian are among his classmates, each with their own reactions to Auggie's appearance. While some of his peers are kind and accepting, others struggle to look beyond his differences. The school year is filled with both heartwarming and heart-wrenching moments, as Auggie and his classmates learn important lessons about friendship and compassion.

Throughout the school year, Auggie experiences both triumphs and challenges. He participates in school events, makes new friends, and even faces bullying. Despite the difficulties he encounters, Auggie's positive attitude and the support of his family and friends help him overcome these obstacles. By the end of the year, Auggie's bravery and kindness earn him the respect and admiration of his peers, culminating in a touching and triumphant moment at the school's graduation ceremony.

Wonder is a New York Times #1 Bestseller List book.

Themes in the book Wonder by R. J. Palacio


Empathy and Understanding: One of the central themes of Wonder is empathy. The novel encourages readers to put themselves in Auggie's shoes and consider how it feels to be treated differently based on appearance. This theme is particularly powerful for young readers, as it fosters a sense of understanding and compassion for those who may look or act differently from themselves.

The Power of Kindness: Kindness is another crucial theme in Wonder. Throughout the story, we see how small acts of kindness can make a significant impact on someone's life. Characters like Summer and Jack Will demonstrate the importance of being kind, even when it's not the easiest choice. This theme serves as a reminder that kindness can create a ripple effect, influencing others to act with compassion and generosity.

Acceptance and Inclusion: Acceptance and inclusion are also prominent themes in Wonder. Auggie's journey highlights the importance of looking beyond physical appearances and accepting people for who they are. The novel shows how inclusion can lead to a richer, more diverse community where everyone feels valued and respected. Additionally, the story emphasizes that everyone has something unique and valuable to offer, regardless of their differences.

Overcoming Adversity: The challenges Auggie faces throughout the novel also highlight the theme of overcoming adversity. Despite experiencing bullying and isolation due to his appearance, Auggie remains resilient and determined to make the most out of his situation. His perseverance serves as a powerful example for readers who may be facing their own struggles or obstacles in life.

Family Dynamics: Auggie's family plays a significant role in Wonder, and themes of love, support, and unconditional acceptance are woven throughout the story. Auggie's parents, sister, and extended family all provide a strong foundation of love and understanding, helping him navigate the challenges he faces. The story showcases the importance of family bonds and how they can help us overcome difficult times.

Friendship: Friendship is another crucial theme in Wonder. Auggie's friendships with Summer and Jack Will demonstrate the power of true friendship, as they stand by his side through thick and thin. The novel also explores the complexities of friendship, such as jealousy and betrayal, but ultimately shows how genuine connections can withstand any obstacles.

Standing Up for What's Right: The characters in Wonder also grapple with the theme of standing up for what's right. Auggie's classmates must confront their own biases and prejudices, while Auggie learns to stand up for himself and others in the face of discrimination. The novel emphasizes the importance of speaking out against injustice and taking a stand for what is fair and just.


Activity Ideas for the book Wonder by R. J. Palacio


Classroom Discussions: Start by encouraging open and respectful discussions about the book's themes. Ask students to share their thoughts and feelings about Auggie's experiences. Discuss the importance of empathy, kindness, and acceptance, and how these values can be applied in their own lives. Use specific examples from the book to illustrate these concepts and facilitate deeper understanding.

Creative Writing Activities: Have students write a letter to Auggie, offering words of encouragement and support. This activity allows them to practice empathy and express their thoughts in a personal and meaningful way. Alternatively, ask students to write a diary entry from the perspective of one of Auggie's classmates, exploring how their views and attitudes might change over the course of the school year.

Research Projects: Encourage students to conduct further research on the topics addressed in Wonder. Assign projects on disabilities, facial differences, and bullying. Have students present their findings to the class and discuss how these issues are portrayed in the book. This can also be an opportunity for students to learn about resources and support available for individuals with disabilities or facial differences.

Community Service: Inspire students to take action by organizing a community service project related to the themes of Wonder. This could involve volunteering at a local organization that supports individuals with disabilities or hosting a fundraiser for charities focused on promoting kindness and acceptance. By empowering students to make a positive impact in their community, they can become real-life "wonders" just like Auggie.

Writing Prompts: Continue using writing as a tool for self-expression and reflection by giving students various prompts related to the themes of the book. For example, have them write about a time when they showed empathy or kindness towards someone who was different from them. Alternatively, ask them to imagine what it would be like if they were in Auggie's shoes and how they would navigate the challenges he faced. These writing exercises can help students develop their own voices and perspectives while also deepening their understanding of the book.



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